After launching the planner page, you'll need to agree to the privacy policy. Once complete, the planner will load with an empty room space. Here's an overview of the controls.
Top Menu
Learn how to use the planner using integrated help guide.
Left Menu
Use this section to change the elements of the plan, including:
The right menu allows you to choose the best viewpoint while planning a kitchen. You can view it from above, in 3D, or even with no doors or drawer fronts.
To find out more about the meanings of all the icons, please refer to the section titled 'Icon Meanings'
The better kitchens online planner uses icons for navigation the various parts of the planner, this allows for more screen space to plan you dream kitchen. Here's what all those icons mean...
Click to open the main menu in the Elements Panel.
View your planner account details.
This lets you configure your room size, decoration, shape, and add architecture features.
Choose your kitchen style and add your kitchen cabinets and appliances using this icon.
Add in decorative elements and interior design.
Display a list of all the elements in your Project. You can change the colours of furniture items in this section.
Change your Project Info.
Change the graphic, lighting and other visual settings.
Some quick hints on using the planner.
Start a new kitchen plan.
Clicking here lets you sign in to the Planner. This should already be done or you.
Run the Planner in fullscreen mode for more screen space whilst designing your new kitchen.
3D graphic Display Mode is the default setting for our planner.
This is a useful feature that allows the toggling between 3D Display Mode and an Outline Mode, great for detailed plan checking.
By default the planner will open in Perspective Projection mode for the best 3D visual representation of your new kitchen.
You can change the view to Orthographic Projection for a top view of your plan, combine this with Outline Display Mode for a useful way to check the measurements of your items.
This feature allows you to view how any doors and drawers open, great for checking if any doors or drawers will collide with other features.
Click this icon to turn OFF Animation Mode.
This is an more advanced method of controlling the Display Modes.
Give your plan a project name and save for future use.
View and load all of your saved plans.
Clicking any of the LEFT MENU icons or selecting an element of the plan will display the Elements Panel.The Elements Panels will have any settings that can be changed for the relevant section or selected item.
The Elements Panels will have any settings that can be changed for the relevant section or selected item. Each Icon will display it's own Elements Panel of settings.
Selecting any element on the plan will also display the Elements Panel with its settings.